Super easy, low-fat, and low-calorie crockpot chicken recipe. Great to set and forget on a busy day. You really can add just about anything to this recipe....
If you are looking for a creamy, cheesy, flavorful recipe - this is it! Comfort food is always welcomed in every home. I think most of you will love this...
Chicken Florentine casserole, which can also be adapted with either fish or shrimp, lies on a bed of spinach leaves and mushrooms, has a creamy white sauce...
Pineapple, peppers and teriyaki sauce are packed in aluminum foil with chicken breasts. This yummy recipe is easy to prepare and to cook! Tastes great...
I work in a corporate office, and our cafe has a wrap station every Friday. I got hooked on the California club chicken wraps so I watched closely and...
This chicken is marinated for 12 to 18 hours, then cooked on a grill. It is so tender and flavorful, you won't want to stop at just one piece! The marinade...
This dish is a good alternative to BBQ chicken and is also good for anyone on a carbohydrate restrictive diet. Lots if good flavor! This recipe can be...
This goes into the cooker quickly, with no precooking and chicken straight from the freezer. I like to put it in before we leave for church so I can come...
This goes into the cooker quickly, with no precooking and chicken straight from the freezer. I like to put it in before we leave for church so I can come...
This recipe was created to replicate a dish I tried while traveling to Key West, FL. It was the best chicken dish I have had in a while! It is quick and...
Chicken breasts rolled up with a crabmeat and mushroom mixture, topped with a white sauce and baked. I got this recipe from a friend and my family loves...
My husband (who is not a cook) developed this recipe when looking through what we had in the fridge. We love capers and my VERY picky 8-year old always...
These are served in every restaurant in the Middle East. You can easily make them at home and make them taste just as good, if not better. Don't substitute...
This is an easy weeknight, one-pot meal with lots of flavor and nutrition. It's basically a black bean and chicken chili with a layer of cornbread crust...
This has been a family favorite of ours for many years and is a sure way to make sure my teenage girls make it to the dinner table. Worth any prep time!...
This recipe is an awesome alternative to a red barbeque sauce for chicken. It was a neighborhood favorite during summer when I was growing up. Submitted...
I love cheese so I experimented and found that this cheesy chicken pot pie is the greatest meat pie I have ever eaten! This recipe makes good use of any...
Tired of everything being spicy and looking for a quick, nice dinner with a subtle flavor? Try this! Chicken breasts are laid on a bed of broccoli, and...
I love cheese so I experimented and found that this cheesy chicken pot pie is the greatest meat pie I have ever eaten! This recipe makes good use of any...
This thick, hearty chicken and veggie slow cooker pot pie eats like a meal, filled with onion, carrots, celery, and peas. Serve each bowl topped with a...
One of our go-to recipes for chicken breast that we make often during the week because it's so easy. Chicken breast gets marinated in Mediterranean flavors...